Sunshine in my shadows

Welcome to sunshine in my shadows. This blog is my space to share all the stuff that makes up my every day life. Family, friends, crafts, recipes, books and all the little things that add 'sunshine to my shadows'. We all have a sprinkling of sunshine and an equal sprinkling of shadows in our lives. Hopefully you will find more sunshine than shadows to read about here and on the days when shadows fall, know that the sunshine is peeking just around the corner!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Now THAT's a strawberry!!!!

A little bragging today! Our strawberries are producing beautifully and yesterday came up with this beauty. You can find giant strawberries like this in the supermarket but they are tasteless compared to homegrown!
I just had to share.
wishing you sunshine in your shadows

photo my own
50 cent piece for size comparison

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