Sunshine in my shadows

Welcome to sunshine in my shadows. This blog is my space to share all the stuff that makes up my every day life. Family, friends, crafts, recipes, books and all the little things that add 'sunshine to my shadows'. We all have a sprinkling of sunshine and an equal sprinkling of shadows in our lives. Hopefully you will find more sunshine than shadows to read about here and on the days when shadows fall, know that the sunshine is peeking just around the corner!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

The year ahead...

New Year's Eve has come and gone. I am not really one to make resolutions for the New year but I do tend to reflect on the year past and consider what things I might focus on or change in the coming 12 months.
This year's list consists of the following:
  • continue to keep my diabetes under control with diet and exercise
  • try to lose some more weight (I lost a small but significant 8 kilos in 2010)
  • spend as much time as possible with my loved ones
  • practice writing more, search out local writing groups
  • relax more
  • expand the variety of books I read
  • read more
  • cook more
Whether you make resolutions or simply reflect on your life and make mental notes about things you would like to do in the New Year I wish you success.
Also wishing you sunshine in your shadows

1 comment:

  1. I wish you success with your resolutions Helen - I am sure you will achieve lots.

    They are great hopes to have for a new year.
    I wish you Sunshine in your Shadows for the coming year and I shall look forward to enjoying the continued success of this blog.

    Love and hugs,
